I'm Diksha

a new programmer

Hello! 👋

I am a Btech CSE Student at Jabalpur Engineering college, jabalpur. I'm a Programmer. I Love Sports. I also enjoy coding Sometimes 😁.

My Skills

♥ Coding Ɛ Devlopment ♥

I started learning Code before 2 years (from my 1st sem ) but due to pandemic, i lost my flow of coding and left it. Now i have again started programming and i am so happy 😊.


I love sports. But the one I Enjoy most is Batminton and i think i am quite good at it😉.

❣ Dance ❣

Dancing is something which gives me mental peace. I can't live without dancing 😍.

Let's Share Our Thoughts

If you find me intresting then let's talk!